6/11 Introduction

Hi Everyone!

My name is Emily Hunger. I am a Senior at The Ohio State University, graduating in December, 2013. Upon Graduation, I hope to obtain an entry-level position in either Advertising or Public Relations. 

In all honesty, I don’t know much about Visual Communication Design. I took a Graphic Design class in High School, so I have basic knowledge of Visual Communication Design…but not much. 

The fields of work I am interested in for my career have Visual Communication as a vital part of their structure. I hope to learn enough about how to create my own designs, as well as the effects of different types of designs on society. Which forms of Visual Communication persuade people? Which forms are most noticeable? These are questions I hope to be able to answer at the end of this 7 week course.

My “artistic” ability lies in my ability to formulate ideas clearly and creatively through words. That being said–combined with my passion for music–I look at singer/songwriters as artists. My favorites include Ed Sheeran, Jack Johnson, and Hunter Hayes. I love their lyrics. 

In my every day life, I see Visual Communications particularly in Advertising. The way an image is portrayed visually is crucial in the Advertising Industry, and it with all the ads we see every day, it is important that there is a visual component to each advertisement that makes it stand out.

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